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Expérience professionnelle


Operational Group for Resident Exhibitions

Buropolis Cultural Center, Marseille, France


2015 and 2019

Gallery Assistant

Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, GA. USA



Exhibition Chair

Women's Caucus for Art of Georgia, Atlanta, GA. USA


2016 - 2018

French Instructor 

Georgia State University/Perimeter College, Atlanta, GA. USA


2004 - 2007

English Lecturer

​Université de Paris X-Nanterre, Department of Anglo-American Studies​, Nanterre, France

Université de Paris X-Nanterre, Department of Applied Languages, Nanterre, France

Institut of Technological Sciences, Ville d'Avray, France


1999 - 2004

​Teaching Fellow 

Department of French and Italian, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. USA


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